Heard Island 70th Anniversary Commemoration

Photos from the 70th Heard Island Commemoration Luncheon – Melbourne
13th December, 2017 at the Bayview Eden.
Please email us at heardisland@anareclub.org.au if you would prefer your photo(s) did not appear on this site and we will remove them
Photo Credits:
Ian Toohill: 1,2, 5, 34, 46-81
Geoff Payne: 3, 15, 21, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44
David Parer & Liz Parer-Cook – the rest

Group Heard Island:L to R: Max Downes, Dick Thompson, Tony Hall, Bill Bathurst, Norm Tame, Grahame Budd, (Doug Twigg Q'56), Jim Brooks, Dick McNair (sitting)

Fred Elliott - HI 1953

MC Des Lugg welcoming the attended to the luncheon with the 8 attending veterans

Des Lugg - MC of 70th Heard Island Commemoration

NIck Gales, Director of the Australian Antarctic Division

Foreground: Dick Thompson, supply officer for the early HI expeditions

(L) Joe Johnson and Nick Gales

Nick Gales (Director of AAD) and John Zillman (former head of BOM)

Max Downes (HI 1951) & Elizabeth Downes

(L) Rob Nash and Dick McNair (HI 1953)

(L) Jim Brooks (HI 1953) & Ian Bird

(L to R) Scott Demster, Dick Thompson (HI supply officer 1947-55), Tony Hall (HI DUKW), Bill Bathurst (HI DUKW)

Patricia Selkirk and Grahame Budd (HI 1953, 1960, 1963, 1965 etc and 2012 )

(L) David Parer, Clare Reoch - daughter of Dick Thompson & Dich Thompson (HI supply officer 1947-55)

The attendees to the luncheon with the 8 attending veterans to celebrate HI 70th anniversary

Ann Shaw (L) - her father was Peter Shaw (HI 1953)

Jill Guise (wife of Arthur Guise (HI 1951)

Judith Burnett (wife of Hedley Burnett (HI 1949)

Eric Woehler & Inga Gilchrist (daughter of Alan Gilchrist (HI 1948)

Ron Hann f/g, Max Downes (HI 1951), Elizabeth Downes, Dave Pottage, Geoff Payne (back)

The luncheon

Ian Dillon (HI 1965?) (L) and Ian Allison (HI 1980)

Margaret and Ron Whitelaw (HI 2012), Ken McInnes, Jan Adolph (HI 2012)

Christine and Greg Terrens

David Ellyard

John Manning (HI 1980)

George Creswell

(L) Jan Adolph and Ron Hann

Col Christinsen (HI 1985?)

John Gillies (HI ?) and David Parer

Trevor Luff (M1970) - auctions stamp covers and painting by Neil Roberts

Painting of HI by Neil Roberts from photo taken by Matt Curnock, (HI 2012) - auctioned at Commemoration for $2,000

Neil Roberts and Attila Vrana (HI winter 1992)

Diane Hampshire ( daughter of Johnny Abbotsmith HI 1948) presenting ANARE Club with ANARE Pennant

(L to R) Diane Hampshire & Loraine and Gary Abbotsmith - Diane & Gary are daughter and son of Johnny Abbotsmith (HI 1948)

L to R: David Dodd, Joe Johnson & Dave Pottage, holding Jonny Abbotsmith's ANARE pennant - gifted by the family

Rick Campbell-Drury, son of Alan Campbell-Drury, (HI 1948)

Ham radio set belonging to Alan Campbell-Drury (HI 1948) brought along by his son Rick

Morse key of ham radio set belonging to Alan Campbell-Drury (HI 1948) brought along by his son Rick

Trevor Luff holding morse key of Hedley Burnett (HI 1949) - to be donated to the ANARE collection

Newspaper report of first signals from Heard Island sent On Alan Cam[pbell-Drury's ham radio set - before official masts erected

(L) Brian Harvey manning the ANARE Club's merchandise table

Kerry Watson & Mandy Dodd at the HI merchandise table collecting money

Inspection of stamp covers to commemorate the 70th Anniversary - created by David Dodd and designed by Liz Parer-Cook

Robyn Leeder and Michael Dillon (HI 2012)

Des Lugg - MC of 70th Heard Island Commemoration

Joe Johnson, President, ANARE , welcome address

Joe Johnson, Presaident, ANARE , welcome address

Nick Gales, Director Australian Antarctic Division

John Zillman, former Director Bureau of Meteorology

David Parer toasting the veterans

Grahame Budd speaking about Heard Island Expeditions and the ascent of Big Ben

Table 10

Table 1

Table at luncheon

Table 9

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Table 3

Table 4

Table 7

Table 5

Table 8

instigator of 70th Heard Island Anniversary Commemoration

Rick Campbell-Drury, son of Alan Campbell-Drury

Some of Alan Campbell-Drury's equipment from 1948 expedition to Heard Island

Diane Hampshire presenting her father John Abbotsmith's ANARE pennant to the ANARE Club

Gary Abbotsmith presenting his father, John Abbotsmith's ANARE pennant to the ANARE Club

Diane Hampshire reminiscences of her father John Abbotsmith, Heard Island 1948

Judith Burnett reflecting on her husband Hedley Burnett, Heard Island 1949 expeditioner

Bill Bathurst, DUKW Heard Island, 1955-6

Bill Bathurst, DUKW Heard Island, 1955-6

Dick McNair, cook, Heard Island 1953

Norm Tame, crew member Wyatt Earp, 1948

Brigid Bruer, wife of Michael Bruer, Heard Island, 1950

Sue Morgan, daughter of John Russell, Heard Island, 1952

Jom Brooks, Heard Island, 1953

Fred Elliott, Heard Island , 1953

Grahame Budd, Heard Island 1954 et al

Dick Thompson, Supply Officer for Heard Island 1952-5

Tony Hall, DUKW Heard Island, 1953/4, 1954/5